1) Should the colour scheme be of the school's colours or not? If not, then what are your colour preferences?
8 recommended the school colours; red, black and white for the school magazine colour scheme, with one of the responses saying the different house colours should be used for significant articles for the different house groups. Other colour preferences included yellow, multi-coloured and black and white.
4 responses preferred 'Berlin Sans FB', 2 preferred 'Perpetua Titling MT', 2 preferred 'Calibri (body)', and 2 preferred 'Book Antiqua'. This gives a clear indication that most prefer a bolder, simple looking font for a school magazine.
3) What would be interesting to have in the magazine; interviews from teachers or students or both?
8 wanted interviews from both teachers and students, whereas 2 wanted interviews of just teachers.
4) Would it be helpful to have an advice column in the magazine?
All agreed that an advice column would be helpful, as long as it's light-hearted; not including any issues too heavy, to give students a helping hand in everyday school life.
5) Do you prefer to learn about sport or the arts (music, acting, art) or both?
There's a split between those who'd like to learn about the arts (4 people) and those who'd like to learn about both sports and the arts (5 people). This encourages students to be more cultured and to broaden their horizons instead of sticking with the typical sports news.
6) Should this magazine be aimed at the older students (yr 10-13) or the younger students (yr 7-9)?
5 responses said the magazine should be aimed at both the older and younger students. One thought it should be aimed at the younger students to guide them, and 4 thought it should be aimed at the older students since they'd find it more useful and tend to read more.
7) Should it be focussed on sixth form or the whole school?
7 responses preferred the magazine to focus on the whole school so it'd be helpful and desirable for everyone. 2 thought they should be focussed sixth form only to advertise it and guide them as they reach the potential of joining university, and 1 thought it best for it to be focussed on the younger students to guide them through their secondary school life.
8) Should the cover photo focus on the students or on the top stories within the magazine?
5 decided it's be best for the cover photo to be linked to the top story of the magazine, and 4 people thought it'd be more appealing and relatable for the cover photo to be of the students. One student thought it'd be best for the cover photo to link to both students and top story.
9) Would it be interesting to have any puzzle pages inside or crosswords etc?
Everyone likes the idea of a puzzle page! A response says it's good for the competitive nature of the school, and perhaps there should be a quiz question with a prize.
10) Should there be a charge on the magazine for those who want to read it?
7 responses want the magazine to be for free, or else it'd discourage students from buying it, and many say they wont have the money to buy one. 3 others say it ought to be paid for, with a percentage going towards a charity.
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