Tuesday 30 September 2014

Research into Similar Products: double page spreads

Greatly influenced and inspired by the magazine covers, contents pages and double page spreads I've analysed, I think I'll change my mind on my music magazine being a pop magazine, and will lean towards alternative rock instead, for I feel that I could truly express my creative flare through that genre, and rock tends to be more dramatic too.

I love the contrast between the two Kerrang double page spreads, one being more simplistic and the other being a bit more dramatic and 'in your face' but it's still effective. This shows that Kerrang can be versatile in the way it presents itself and doesn't segregate itself to one way of presentation. I also love how the Q magazine has Cheryl looking away from the camera but towards the article, but the Evanescence Kerrang double page spread is the total opposite; Amy Lee still looks away from the camera, but also looks away from the article, as if to suggest her turning away from one way of life and into a new, more prosperous future. It's also a contrast to the secondary image of the Evanescence band giving direct mode of address, perhaps it's to represent how she may be doing something the fans will be saddened by, 'stepping away' from her band.

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