Tuesday 3 February 2015

Drafting and Planning: Brand New Double Page Spread!

I have improved my double page spread keeping in mind how it harmonizes with the rest of the magazine:

Now I see how it looks with the new black, white and red elements, I need to focus on the article.
From having looked back, I have to mention something on how her appearance says something about her as a person and with what she stands for! I'm not quite sure on how to write it at the moment, but I know I'll work something out as I usually do! I also think the pull out quote on the bottom right could be a tad bigger--but these are just tiny little details which can make the whole so much better! I also love the use of the portrait version of the secondary image, again, using a variation of shot types to show my photography skills! I'm one step away from my final double page spread, and the journey is quite remarkable looking back on it...

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