Monday 13 October 2014

Drafting and Planning: Front cover, contents page and double page spread layout ideas

I first thought of the idea of a duo rock group of two girls, one different from the other. If I was to take on this idea, I could play on the duo-personalities idea and use it to my advantage on the layout of the cover, contents and double page spread. But I'll think of more ideas too, since the running theme of two people may be distracting for the audience. I used the magazine title 'HARK' for the example ideas.

The top right double page spread idea has the cover stars greatly dominating the page. If I go with this idea, then I'll have to dim down the picture so the text would show through.
The second contents page idea with the two girls facing each other may be distracting, or it could be a very eye-catching, unique idea. As for the main cover, I thought of using blocking to show the relationship between the girls and perhaps with an individual girl and the audience; one being more friendly than the other. But this is just one idea, and I'll try to stay open for more.

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