Tuesday 28 October 2014

Drafting and planning: Photoshop practise

With my cover star, I'm going to take photos of my sister as two different characters, but since she's the same person, I'll have to photoshop a photo so 'both' versions of her are on the same picture. So, I've done some practise with photoshopping an old photo of myself (with a complex background) to see how effective and realistic it looks. I used these two photos:

And I removed myself from the first image and placed myself onto the second image using the 'magic wand', eraser and some shadowing effects:

It's quite scary to see two of me on the same photo but that's what I'm going to do with the photos of my sister. Except, she'll be modified with wigs and make-up to differentiate her characters, so it wont be as creepy looking as this.

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