Thursday, 15 January 2015

Drafting and Planning: Feedback on first draft

I got feedback from both a fellow peer and my teacher; feedback which I found incredibly useful and insightful! They critisized these pages:
For the front cover, I was told I should celebrate the fact it's the '100th' issue and perhaps the 'guide to rock' would be a 'definitive' guide to rock instead. Also, I could use with more cover lines, which I agree with greatly (I should incorporate 'Paradoll' and 'Todd Taylor' from the contents page too.
 I also should reduce the size of the coverlines too. I agree when it was said that the coverstar looks a little odd being pulled out the way she has, so perhaps I could still incorporate the original background and edit it to make it less 'gardening magazine-y' by either making the background more 'vibrant' (like I did with the double page spread) or making it black and white. Also the date says 'DECE' instead of 'DEC' for December (oops!), so I need to change that! Also, make it look like it's worth £6.99! So make sure it celebrates the fact it's the 100th issue!
The critique for the contents page is to perhaps add a subscription (which'd be hard to squeeze in but I'll try) as well as using the colour in the facebook and twitter logos and put a colon in the 'FEATURED' subheading (which I accidentally forgot to include) for the sake of consistency. Also, I noticed under 'REVIEWS' there's colons next to some of the numbers instead of full stops! So I need to change that also.  Perhaps too, I should make the 'ISSUE DECEMBER 2014' bolder.

There wasn't any critique for the double page spread, EXCEPT the fact there's no page numbers!!! I MUST PUT IN THE PAGE NUMBERS (one on the contents page too!) IT'S A NECESSITY!
Another critique was to perhaps use another font or two throughout; perhaps I could use another font (the 'Poor Richard' font) for highlighting the 'Little Red'n'Blue', 'Todd Taylor' and 'Paradoll' articles in the contents page.

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