Tuesday 16 December 2014

Drafting and Planning: Contents Page & Research into Similar Products

I used photoshop to arrange some of my secondary images as well as cover lines and potential articles onto my contents page:

It looks good but I think it can be much better; perhaps I'll just have a normal white background with the other layers played in certain places depending on their importance to make it look smarter. But I like the charts list I made up and the other articles and sections. Perhaps I could've incorporated some red so it'd harmonize with the masthead more too! But I like the general approach I took with trying to lay it out as well I could despite the limited space.

Research Into Similar Products
Since I'm taking inspiration from NME I ought to consider the way they lay out their contents page:

What I love about the NME contents page is the dynamic the combination black, red and white brings, especially with the femininity my cover star brings, it's good to have some dramatic colours to balance out the mood of the magazine and to give Little Red'n'Blue a greater sense of power.
I also like the order it has, on the right laid out in straight columns so it's easy to read and understand and isn't distracting either. I could also use some more elements of HARK and it's meaning, like 'HARK THIS MONTH' and since it's a monthly magazine, there needs to me many more pages!

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