Thursday 4 December 2014

Drafting and Planning: Page Plus

I made some drafts of a contents page and a double page spread, putting it alongside one of the front page drafts I made from my last post.

This is all just to get an idea of how I could potentially lay out my contents page and double page spread. I'll prefer to use photoshop because I'm simply more used to it and I prefer the options and features on photoshop rather than the options on page-plus. But the way page plus shows the pages alongside each other helps me to see the cohesion between each page, and in this case, the front page is more of a statement compared to the contents page and double page spread; perhaps I should use more similar photos to show continuation-unless, of course, this set of images are fine.
Perhaps I can show more continuation by making the font colours harmonize with the front cover and the HARK logo. Through this I can show an even stronger symbiosis between the coverstar and the magazine!

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