Wednesday 12 November 2014

Drafting and Planning: Re-Make Re-Model Contents Page and Double Page Spread

I created a double page spread and contents page inspired by NME. I made it as if it was from the same edition as this front cover:

I took inspiration from the typical layout of the NME contents page.

With the double page spread I had more room to let my creativity flare. I used the same main cover line as my front cover 'READY WORLD?' and included a secondary image not only to add more to the page but to tell a sort of sad story (hence the dim colours and close up to grasp emotion). I used a red background to the text to match the cover star's lipstick and the light blue background to match her eyes (also because most NME double page spreads have a pale background.) I'll definitely use this as a reference for when I do my real magazine cover, contents page and double page spread!

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