Tuesday 11 November 2014

Organisation: Wigs and facial expressions

I took my sister and put her in a pink and a black wig. I learnt the hard truth that my magazine idea may not go as well as I planned.

She tried hard with trying a variation of 'rocker' expressions, but the black wig didn't look good on her, so that's one idea that needs to be changed.

But she put on the pink wig and it looked much better on her!

So what I may have to do is take on the other 50% of my target research, and perhaps, just have one cover star (unless I chose to use my sister with her 'natural hair' too, or someone else entirely.)
What I'm also concerned about is if my sister will fit the look I'm going for; but I think with make-up and the whole outfit of the character and the right lighting and background, it'll fit perfectly whether there one or two cover stars!

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