Monday, 24 November 2014

Organisation: Weather for photoshoot

I was hoping to go to the local park to take photos of my sister in the sun. I suppose that was all wishful thinking since according to the BBC Weather, today, Monday, was the only sunny day of the week and Saturday will be foggy, like the rest of the week.

This is a bit of a pain, but I'm still going out there on Saturday, especially since I'm all enthusiastic for it! Besides, the temperature seems to be fine and even if it will be foggy (the weather forecasts can sometimes change) then it may change the tone of the article into a more solemn tone, or, if the cover star was to look happy, it could resemble being hopeful even when there's uncertain times ahead, etc. 

Even if this idea doesn't work, it's all to give me the right opportunity to get as many varied and effective photos as possible, whether it be inside or outside; and whichever sets of photos turn out best will be the ones I'll use. But I need to keep in mind the cohesion- If the front cover has a white background, then the other photos used will need to have a white background. If the background will be of nature or more colourful, then it must harmonize with the rest of the magazine with it's house style and must suit the ethos of the magazine itself.

Since I'll be going to a park, there's all sorts I could use to add more interest to the cover star. For example, she could sit on a tree or lie on the grass, and thankfully it's the season which leaves would be everywhere. The golden colours could be use of inspiration, perhaps the magazine could be an exclusive, or the '100th' issue, something to be celebrated.
With the use of nature, it could also resemble how the cover star's music is growing in popularity, just as nature grows. Either this or it could resemble her growing imagination/the beauty of her music and what fuels her creativity. I could mention in the double page spread article how nature inspires her for writing songs, so it's very relevant!

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