Thursday 6 November 2014

Re-Make Re-Model Feedback

I was peer assessed on my Re-Make Re-Model magazine cover by Megan Do. She said I covered all the conventions and made good use of costume, make-up, hair, facial expressions, body language and lighting. I also manipulated the image on photoshop and used a close up for the cover star.

She said she liked the way the cover lines on the left has straight horizontal lines above and below them with a '+' between them to neatly organise them and show how there's even more stories to delve into. She also said my pug looked very professional and she likes the idea of the close up and how I kept in mind the ethos of NME.

She told me that I should make my date line less specific, and instead just have the month and year; I will definitely do this when I do my real magazine front cover!
She also told me to experiment with putting the cover star over the masthead; I did try this, but the cover star ended up practically covering the entire masthead, making it unrecognisable.

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